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Hypnosis is a very powerful tool for promoting healing, growth and transformation. It works by activating a creative state of mind and body where new learning can occur effectively, almost effortlessly. It can help you with the knowledge and energy you need to succeed in life, helping to build new beliefs and to focus your attention. If we can heal our beliefs, our beliefs can heal us.

Hypnotherapy is generally associated with entertainment on entertainment or TV and amusement which unfortunately portrays a delusion of what hypnosis really is. As a start it creates the impression the hypnoartist has control over the person on entertainment and could let the person perform whatever he anticipates they would enjoy doing or performing. Nothing regarding hypnosis could be further from the truth. Let us look in more detail what hypnoses are and is not.

What is hypnosis for entertainment purposes?

  • Firstly the entertaining hypnotist will never take the responsibility to call out participants when the show begins. He would ask for any volunteers to come up to the stage. This modus operandi by the entertainer is a dead giveaway that he is busy with manipulation of participants. Everybody knows he is going to make fun of you. The fact that you are willing to do volunteer, says that because you want to, he will be able to do it. If you are not willing, the hypnotherapist will not be able to hypnotise you and his show will fail.
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  • In addition if you observe carefully what they do on TV is for them to exchange a few words with them. This is to establish whether there is a relationship or not. If he discovers that you don’t like or trust him, or vice versa, you will be sent back to the audience. The same will apply if you are overly critical of him.
  • Now the moment of truth! He snaps his fingers and says: Sleep. And they go to “sleep”! As you will read further on what hypnoses is not you will then realise it is not sleep. The only way he can snap his fingers and they are hypnotised is because he actually has hypnotized them before.
  • This means the entertainment hypnotist is familiar with his subjects and thus knows who will be willing to cooperate in his show.
  • As mentioned earlier: hypnosis is a state of mind power. For instance – you are on entertainment, and the hypnotist suggests to you to dance like a ballerina. You will first check with your internal moral system whether it is okay for you to do that or not. If it is acceptable, you can use your mind-power to remember for instance a TV show where you have seen a ballerina dancing. You will be able to recall the moves, and you will be able to perform them accordingly. You can even use mind power to dance on the tips of your toes and to imagine a steel bar from the tips of your toes to your legs. But if the hypnotist suggests something that is against your principles, you will come out of hypnosis, because you are in control all the time.
  • When he is finished, he will “wake you up”. As you will read further down you will understand that you would always come out of hypnosis and remember afterwards what happened.

To explain what hypnosis really is, we need to understand what hypnosis is NOT.

2. What hypnosis is not

Persons in hypnosis are not asleep

  • The word hypnosis is derived from the Greek word “Hypnos”, the god of sleep. Nothing is further from the truth. Hypnosis is everything but sleep.

Anyone in a state of hypnosis is constantly AWARE of themselves and their environment. The person does not lose consciousness for a single moment, although in a deep trance, noises and disturbances in their environment will seem to be so remote from them that it will not bother them, as long as they don’t pose a threat. When something threatening happens, the person will then simply wake up, in order to take the necessary steps to secure themselves.

Hypnosis is not like sleep

  • Studies have shown that hypnosis and sleep differ. Studies of brain activity have shown that although there are characteristic patterns of brain activity associated with sleep, the same is not true for hypnosis. To observers, hypnosis might appear to be like sleep because suggestions of relaxation are commonly given as part of a hypnotic routine, but hypnotised people are in a state more similar to wakefulness.
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Hypnosis is not dangerous

  • The hypnotic state is no more dangerous than the sleep state, and on the whole, there are no dangers when practised by ethical and qualified practitioners.
  • If hypnosis was dangerous, we would have to tell ourselves not to slip into another state of consciousness, not to daydream, not to concentrate deeply, not to be completely compelled and absorbed by certain topics.

In contrast consider going to a hairdresser as one of the most dangerous experiences there can ever be unlike hypnosis. The hairdresser is working with a dangerous weapon, a pair of scissors, close to your neck. One stab could end your life! Then never go to a hairdresser again!

Hypnosis is not similar to anaesthesia

  • The hypnotised subject is aware of sounds, touch, smells, taste and visual input. They are even able to speak while in hypnosis. They will always be able to awake from a trance. They cannot remain in a permanent trance. All they need to decide on is to wake up, and once this decision has been made, the hypnotized person will wake up.

Hypnosis is not a question and answer session

  • This is the biggest misconception. People want to know what the therapist is going to ask them while hypnotized. He or she is not going to ask you anything. He or she will ask in the clinical interview everything they want to know about you. Hypnosis is used as therapy where they leave suggestions or will ask you to perform certain actions in your mind, without having to tell them anything about it.
  • The only time they might ask questions, is when you need to recall information you may not remember – whether it be events that happened long ago which they can’t remember and need to remember.
  • It is a powerful tool, but it should be practised ethically.

Hypnosis is not the work of the devil

  • As everyone on earth has experienced trance in the form of daydreaming, it is a natural God-given talent, which can be used positively in the person’s interest. Like anything else, untrained charlatans can also abuse hypnosis.
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  • Some people think that you are vulnerable to the devil/evil when you are hypnotized. This is just not possible. The Scriptures teach us that God protects us at all times. How can the devil ever be stronger than God?

“Weak people” are not the most susceptible to hypnosis

  • On the contrary, strong-willed, intelligent and creative people are better subjects than “weak-willed” people. There is a misconception that only the weak ones are able to be hypnotised and that a hypnotherapist has therefore unlimited control over that person, while in fact, the hypnotised person is always in control. He (or she) will decide to allow it, or not. They will even decide how deep into a trance they will go and at no time is the person ever under the control of the hypnotist. The person is in control of the session and of themselves and therefore more in control of themselves than otherwise.

People who are in a hypnotic trance will not reveal secrets or say things they will regret

  • The person in trance always remains in full control. When you see “hypnosis shows” on television and audience members are jumping on the entertainment clucking like chickens – remember that they volunteered to do that in full knowledge that they would be expected to do something “crazy”. Sometimes hypnotherapy is used for the purposes of revealing repressed memories or information. Persons undergoing hypnosis for those reasons choose to go into a deeper trance state than usual. They are actively seeking to reveal the repressed information. A hypnotherapist cannot make someone reveal any information if they don’t want to.
  • You may begin to realize that hypnosis is actually a state of mind power. If you want to tell a lie you would be able to lie very well when hypnotised,

You cannot be hypnotised against your will.

  • All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. You have to want to be hypnotised before a trance state can be achieved. There are methods for inducing a trance (deep relaxation) when working with resistant subjects; however, none of these methods will be effective unless you want to be hypnotised.
  • This is very important. The hypnotist cannot hypnotise you. The hypnotherapist can only assist you in hypnotising yourself. To get hypnotised is the ability of the client, not the ability of the hypnotist.
  • You can’t be forced to do anything you don’t want to do in hypnosis. You retain power over your ability to act upon suggestions, although if you do allow yourself to act upon a suggestion you may feel as though the effects are happening spontaneously.
  • No hypnotist can compel you to do anything in violation of your moral or ethical code.

You cannot get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis

  • There is no evidence that anybody can become stuck in hypnosis. The worst that might happen could be that you may fall asleep – and wake up unhypnotised! Studies have been conducted where participants have been hypnotised, and the hypnotist then leaves the room under the pretence that there is a problem he has to attend to. The participant is then observed (without their knowledge) to see what happens. The result in all cases was that participants spontaneously woke up.
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You will not remember anything afterwards

  • You will remember everything afterwards because you are awake and alert. Some people don’t remember certain things, simply because their minds strayed during the trance. And that is okay because we are addressing the subconscious mind, not the conscious. You are free to let your thoughts wander as we go. Some people even fall asleep, and there is nothing wrong with that either.
  • It seldom happens, but occasionally clients have no recollection of what had happened. Sometimes it might be so traumatic that the subconscious may choose for you to forget. When this happens, clients never ask the therapist what happened because they don’t want to know.
  • It has nothing to do with being in a deep trance. Deep trances are not required. Anything can be done in a mild trance.

Nothing is going to be revealed

  • Many people are scared about what may surface whilst hypnotized. First of all: the days of going back to the past and reliving the trauma are over. Nowadays we have techniques of dealing with trauma without having to re-traumatise the client by making him or her relive the experience. As you have already experienced the trauma in real life, this time you will only see it as a memory, and as you are older, wiser, more experienced, and you are not alone, it will never be as bad as it was in real life.

3. What hypnosis really is?

  • Have you ever driven a long distance and, after arriving, thought,“How did I get here?” Have you ever watched a movie without even hearing someone talking behind you? Are you aware of background sounds right now if you do not concentrate on it? That is hypnosis!
  • Broadly speaking, hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness that occurs normally in every person just before falling asleep. That is why hypnosis is usually accompanied by relaxation, simulating the relaxed position of the body during sleep. In therapeutic work, we prolong this brief interlude, so that we can work within its bounds.
  • In short: after our first hypnosis session, you are not going to believe that you were hypnotised at all. Clients always tell me: “but I don’t think that I was hypnotised. I was aware of everything all the time, I could hear your voice all the time, and I heard the noises in and outside the building all the time. I was not “under”. That is hypnosis. You will be aware of everything. It is true, however, that the more hypnosis sessions we have, the deeper you will experience your trance state.
  • Hypnosis is nothing but just a deep state of relaxation causing a state of mind power. Nothing more, nothing less. If you understand this, you understand hypnosis! You will not believe that you were hypnotised at all!
  • One of the best examples of hypnosis is the following: have you ever been in a church, and the reverend or pastor or minister was praying? And the prayer is “boring”. You are sitting there with your eyes shut and thinking of anything and everything except the prayer, and sometimes you even fall asleep! But you will always hear the word “Amen” loud and clear. You were in a hypnotic trance! You were not falling asleep (I hope), yet you missed every word. But you did not miss the “Amen”. It is called a conditioned response. “Amen” in the subconscious means he is finished; you can open your eyes. Yet your subconscious registered everything and was in close communication with God.
  • Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy or hypnotic suggestion is a trance-like state of mind. It is usually achieved with the help of a hypnotherapist and is different from your everyday awareness.

During hypnosis your attention is more focused.

  1. You’re deeply relaxed and calm.
  2. You’re more open to suggestions and less critical or disbelieving.
  3. The purpose of hypnosis is to help you gain more control over your behaviour, emotions or physical well-being.
  4. I prefer to refer to hypnosis as a relationship of trust. If there is trust, virtually anything is possible. If there is no trust, hypnosis will not be successful.
  5. It’s not clear how hypnosis works. Hypnotherapists say that hypnosis creates a state of deep relaxation and quietens the mind. When you’re hypnotised, you can concentrate intensely on a specific thought, memory, feeling or sensation while blocking out distractions. You’re more open than usual to suggestions and this can be used to change your behaviour and thereby improve your health and well-being.

4. Let us look at what you will experience during the first few hypnotherapy sessions.

The first session

A typical first session lasts 45-55 minutes during which therapist will go over history, gain an in-depth understanding of the issue and attempt to understand why this struggle started. Much of the first session will focus on reasons why certain behaviors, struggles or patterns persist so that the therapist can determine whether hypnosis, or possible other therapy techniques or a combination of therapies should be utilized to best address this issues. Once the issue is sufficiently explored a hypnotic trance induction would be conducted when it is mutually decided that this is the best course of treatment. Before starting the hypnotic induction, the therapist will discuss how hypnosis will be used in the session and give the client the opportunity to discuss any questions the client may have about the use of hypnosis or the process. Only when the client and therapist have discussed the clients concerns at length, the therapist will start the hypnotic induction. The type of hypnosis practiced includes the use of deep relaxation techniques and metaphors aimed at helping the client tap into their internal resources in order to make the changes that they would like to address. In addition to the verbal use of the therapist voice I use in my practise “Light and Sound” to facilitate the induction phase of hypnosis and therapy.

The second session

  • Usually, hypnosis will be initiated during this session. Since you are the one determining the course of therapy, it might happen that there are more issues that you would like to discuss and hypnosis might not be a possibility yet. Bear in mind that at least half an hour is needed for hypnosis. When we actually do start with hypnosis, there is a possibility that not much might happen initially, due to the following reasons:
  • You will not initially go into a deep trance or a trance at all. Anyone will resist something they are not familiar with, which is good because it is natural to be wary of the unknown.
  • Anxious clients might find it especially difficult to relax, since the harder they try, the harder it gets. Imagine a sleepless night. The harder you fight the sleeplessness, the more difficult it becomes. The moment you stop trying, it will come naturally. This is also the case with hypnosis.
  • You will realize that you don’t have to think, concentrate or even co-operate. Everything happens spontaneously. You can let your thoughts wander. Imagine listening to a boring speech, lost in your own thoughts. You might even fall asleep. The subconscious mind always receives the messages, without you even being aware of it.
  • After a session of hypnosis, you will go home, thinking that nothing had changed. As time progresses you will start noticing the subtle changes in your relationships and in your daily life. Only then will you realize the power of the subconscious. Others will probably become aware of these changes, even before you do.

You will realize:

  1. You can only be hypnotized if you allow it. If you don’t want to be hypnotized, it can never happen.
  2. Hypnosis is defined as a relationship of trust. If there is trust, you are halfway there. If there is any lack of trust, the issue should be addressed. This is necessary and to your benefit.
  3. Anyone can be hypnotized. There is no such thing as a person who cannot be. Self-hypnosis occurs on a daily basis without you even being aware of it.
  4. Your mind is your tool. Your therapist is merely the key that unlocks your subconscious. You already possess everything necessary to fulfil your every desire.

The third session and what follows

  • Only during the third or fourth session will you start experiencing a deeper level of trance. Now you have surpassed the novelty and your own resistance and now we can really start working on your problem. You will sometimes go into a deep trance and sometimes not. The depth of your trance is however not significant. Your subconscious is doing all the work automatically.
  • From this moment on, we can work fast and effectively.

5. The holistic Integrative process

On completion of the first session the client and therapist decide together on the best way to work together to make sure that the client achieves the goals the client and therapist agreed to. Generally short-term hypnosis is best for singular struggles such as smoking cessation or simple habits and usually takes between one to five sessions. Ongoing integrative therapy combined with hypnosis is best for issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addictions, social media dependency and struggles that involve more than one issue. For this, the client and therapist develop an ongoing therapeutic relationship where appointments can be set up weekly or biweekly at the same time or flexibly according to the client’s schedule. We combine the use of hypnosis and mindfulness with therapy various techniques given most people’s difficulties are intricate, interconnected, and complex. A person may want to lose weight, but this is complicated by their reward system to spoil themselves to eat something when they had an achievement. They might want to quit smoking, but find themselves compelled to do so because of ongoing anxiety or low self-esteem for the above reason hypnotherapists attempt to work in a way that is flexible and organic, striking a balance between deep analytic work to get to the root of the problems, while using hypnosis for specific changes along the way.

My years of working in a school system have equipped me to deal with learning and emotional problems in children.

6. Hypnosis is effectively used for the following:

    1. An effective therapeutic tool which may be utilized by practitioners of ALL health care disciplines as an adjunct treatment method.
    2. A therapy used by psychotherapists of all methodological schools to aid in the treatment of a variety of psychological and physical complaints.
    3. A means of focusing on a client’s strengths and utilizing inner resources to effect change.

The efficacy of hypnosis has been demonstrated for the treatment of many disorders. Among them are:

  • Addictions and Substance Abuse – alcohol, legal and illegal drugs: heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, percocet, etc.
  • Anxiety Disorders – panic with and without agoraphobia, performance, social phobias, specific phobias, test anxiety and travel anxiety, to name just a few.
  • Eating Disorders and Weight Management – anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, complex disorders, over-indulgence, emotional eating.
  • Habit Modification – (a) Annoying Habits: nail biting, hair-pulling (trichotillomania), teeth grinding (bruxism), etc. (b) Smoking Cessation: for some people hypnosis may be an effective sole agent; for others hypnosis may be part of a program used to assist in smoking cessation.
  • Loss and Grief – death of a loved one, separation, divorce, loss of mental and/or physical capacities.
  • Mood Disorders – depression, dysthymia, bipolar etc.
  • Pain Management – back pain, cancer pain, dental pain, tension headaches, migraines, arthritis, rheumatism, tinnitus, injuries from motor vehicle accidents, pre-during-post-surgery.
  • Performance Enhancement: Sports, Entertainment, and Public Speaking – hypnosis has been found to be effective for improving performance by optimizing concentration, alertness, and flexibility in the modification and incorporation of new techniques.
  • Relationship Issues – couples, parent-child, and family therapy, co-workers and friends issues.
  • Trauma – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sexual and physical abuse, serious neglect, accident, illness, and surgery traumas.

Anxiety and stress – Hypnosis seems to be extremely successful with a Cognitive Behavioural Approach in treating all forms of anxiety and especially panic attacks. Hypnosis is also proven to be successful in overcoming almost any phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder or excessive fear such as entertainment fright.

Depression – Depression is called “anger without enthusiasm”, and once this anger is dealt with together with cognitive restructuring, the depression seems to ease a great deal.

Smoking – Great success has been achieved with quitting smoking. If a person is not serious about quitting, the success rate is considerably lower. Please read my article on smoking on my website before you make an appointment.

Academic/athletic/sports performance – The client is taught self-hypnosis (hypno-training), which helps with concentration, anxiety, comprehension, motivation and retention. If there is any negative memory or perception preventing the client from optimal performance these areas will be addressed first.

Memory recovery – It is often necessary to uncover where the problem originated. People can remember things that happened before they were born and even remember what happened when they were unconscious.

Psycho Neuro Immunology (PNI) – PNI is an exciting new field in the world of hypnosis. In short, it means that any medical disorder may have an underlying psychological root. By treating the disorder with hypnosis, the general practitioner can be assisted in healing the problem or disorder. Success is recorded with especially dermatological, auto-immune disorders, cancer, pain and many other.

Sleep disorders – Since hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, it is very helpful in assisting those with sleep disorders, provided that any trauma that is causing the sleep disorder is dealt with first.

Sexual dysfunction and relationship disorders:.- Hypnosis can be helpful with sexual problems like frigidity, sexual trauma, impotence and premature ejaculation. It can also assist those with relationship problems, for instance, trust.

Spiritual problems – Hypnosis can also help to put the client more in touch with God or the “Higher Power”, and the Inner Wisdom to help them on their life path. Sometimes many psychological problems have a spiritual root, and it is necessary to address spiritual issues here. Feelings of guilt and feelings of having done something wrong are seen by many psychologists as being at the core of all psychological problems.

The above-mentioned areas of hypnosis are just the tip of the iceberg. Hypnosis is literally the key that can unlock any door you wish. The only limit of hypnosis is the limits you choose to set yourself.


  • Hypnosis is an unconscious process. In most cases, people aren’t even aware that they were hypnotized.

You don’t have to do anything whatsoever. The subconscious mind does everything for you. Like new software installed in a computer being programmed to identify the new software, choose the drive to download it and then have it installed. The subconscious mind through hypnoses inherently knows what is best for you and what to secure where and how

Hypnosis (Colourbox)

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