The brain and electrical waves waves

“Therefore, the lights and sounds teach the brain to seek out the desired brain wave frequency creating the optimal, desired state for relaxing, visualizing, sleeping, high performance, synchrony, etc”.

Since ancient times man observed that flickering lights and rhythmic sounds often produced a relaxed state of mind. Around 200 A.D. the astronomer Ptolemy noted that when a person looked toward the sun through the spokes of a spinning wheel, the flickering sunlight caused patterns and colours to appear which produces a feeling of euphoria, even though the eyes of the observer was closed.

The existence of electrical currents in the brain was discovered in 1875 by an English physician Richard Caton. In 1924 Hans Berger, a German neurologist used ordinary radio equipment to amplify the brains electrical activity measured on the human scalp. (EEG) Berger laid the foundations for many of the present applications of EEG. In 1934 Adrian and Matthews published the paper verifying concept of “human brain waves” and identified regular oscillations around 10 to 12 Hz which they termed “alpha rhythm”. In 1997 Light and Sound became known in the field with the first white light patented products were developed by Dr. Rayma Ditson Sommers.

Light is in charge of the energy coming from the outside world and our brains are in charge of the energies inside of us. For this reason the brain must rely on its ability to transform the energy from light for survival. When this source of energy is not readily available from the sun, a substitute must be found to allow our brain to provide us with necessary energy. A reliable substitute is audio visual stimulation technology. The brain uses any light energy force to expand cognitive ability for motor learning, creativity insight and redirection of psychological scripts. We all rely on this source for continuous mental alertness and winning performance. The brain is electric and operates on frequency. Light and sound technology operates on electric frequencies called Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Research reports that the normal brain contains 10amps of electricity. The brain operates on frequency with each brain wave having a specified Hz or cycles per second. With light and sound, we can provide a friendly, useable energy input for our brains. The brain is divided into two equal parts. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Each side of the brain has specific tasks to accomplish. Among the 10 billion brain cells we possess there is a “thinking cap” of 1/8” thick area. We share this area with whales and dolphins. It works with the ANS or Autonomic Nervous System to control the body. This “upper brain” sends messages to the lower brain, better known as the subconscious. New research suggests that when both sides of the brain work together more learning takes place. Light and sound work by using specific frequencies of audio and visual input, in carefully pre-arranged patterns. So generally when using light and sound, communication between light and sound impulse is provided as the lights send a coded message across all areas of the brain. Since brain cells are highly sensitive to light, they act as light transducers and can translate the flickering light stimulus for use by the brain. Therefore, the lights and sounds teach the brain to seek out the desired brain wave frequency creating the optimal, desired state for relaxing, visualizing, sleeping, high performance, synchrony, etc.

Brain waves have been categorized into four basic groups:

  1. Beta (>13Hz) more than 13 Hz. Beta identifies a purposeful action and task completion. This is where most routine thinking and physical functioning occurs. Brainwaves of short amplitude and very rapid pulsations of 14–30 cycles per second (Hertz or Hz). This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations, linear logical analyses, and other highly structured functions.

(A) The Beta brain is used for many things; however too much time spent there is as problematic as having an over-run of Beta which can cause us mental unrest through.

  • Performance anxiety
  • Concern of what others think
  • Fear of aloneness
  • Insomnia 5. An inability to relax
  • A fragmented, hurried life style
  • Need to talk continually
  • Narrowed thought process (black and white)
  • Overly critical of self
  • Learning problems.

(B) On the other hand too little Beta Can result in:

  • Poor memory
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irresponsibility to others without intent
  • A sense of mental dullness
  • Disorganized thought
  • Lack of organized routine
  • Learning problems.
  1. Alpha (8 – 13Hz) Alpha is a wakeful state of relaxed and effortless alertness. Alpha waves are used for mental relaxation, accelerated learning, the creative process and peak performance. We enter into alpha during light mediation. Characterized by slightly larger amplitude of 9–13 Hz, this pattern typically occurs in daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or focused imagery, and smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. Serotonin production is increased and there is often a euphoric, effortless feeling of “flow” as the doer is absorbed in activity.
  2. We all need some Alpha during the day. However it is important that Alpha be only a “passing through” station. Too much time there can cause us to:
  • Experience unproductive daydreaming
  • Have poor survival skills
  • Lack healthy fear of things
  • Become detached from societal needs
  • Misunderstand structure and routine
  • Live life for sensory pleasure only
  • Experience unproductive creativity
  • Miss opportunities
  • Waste time for years 1
  • Possess an undisciplined mind
  • Walk around in a mental fog by having increased amounts of Beta brain wave, we miss out on the awareness of life and sensory memories we all need to survive in a mentally healthy atmosphere

(3) Theta (4 – 8Hz) We enter the state of Theta for a few minutes just before falling asleep and just before waking, when imagery is produced without conscious effort. It is also the deep meditation state and the originator of the creative process. Brainwave patterns that are more ragged and irregular, in the 4–8 Hz range. This pattern is associated with deep unconscious imagery, and thus creativity, as the person drops into a state of drowsiness and near-sleep.

  1. Delta (0.5 – 4Hz) Sleep is necessary for good health, optimum physical function and peak performance in any endeavour. To fall asleep the brain must enter the Delta stages of 4 cycles per second or below. This will produce R.E.M. or Rapid Eye Movement allowing the brain to release quantities of healing growth hormones and other restorative secretions. Pulsations that range between 1–3 Hz. In this range of profound relaxation, images and dreams have largely subsided, as the person slides into a state of slow wave restorative sleep. Meditators who remain aware during this state of near unconsciousness report tranquillity and peace

Modern scientific research has verified this phenomenon where the brain tends to assume the rhythms of a flashing light stimulus, known as the “frequency following effect”. Scientists have also shown that certain states of consciousness tend to be associated with certain brainwave patterns. For example, when we are in a deeply relaxed state of mind our brainwaves emit an electrical frequency of 4–8 Hz per second.

The basic idea behind light and sound technology is that the gentle pulses of light can lead one to the state of mind associated with that particular frequency range. The various pre-programmed “frequencies” can be used for different purposes, including meditation, stress reduction, accelerated learning, restful sleep, increased creativity and goal setting.

brainwave patterns and their associate states

In actuality, we continually receive stimuli that affect our mental state whether it’s music, TV, the internet, or the spoken word. When one begins to understand their moods and performance states are really a reflection of the mental states they are in, then adjusting that state in a conscious fashion seems the natural thing to do.

We spend the better part of our lives shifting from one wave to the other throughout the day to allow us to function.

Light and Sound is a tool being utilized successfully in practices with reduced time to therapeutic facilitation, as a means of deepening without the time, energy and verbiage required from the therapist to proceed. In other words, Light and Sound does the work for deep relaxation bringing the client to Delta in a fraction of time of traditional methods. So what does this mean? The most interesting aspect of light and sound instrumentation for the use of hypnotists is that scientists are learning more about the brain and discoveries are occurring at rapid speed. In the past the ongoing research being conducted by psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, sports trainers, educators and other researchers and clinicians have shown that light and sound technology instruments can help:

• Reduce Stress

• Produce Deep Relaxation

• Boost IQ

• Accelerate Learning

• Increase Memory

• Produce Peak Performance

• Help Overcome Addiction

• Overcome Depression and Anxiety

• Help Alleviate Pain

• Boost Immune Power

• Change Habitual Attitudes

• Increased Development in “At Risk” Children

• Help Athletes Increase Focus and Performance.

•Learning and skill building are the goals.

The two greatest needs of our brain are nutrition and light. Sound is also necessary but is secondary to light. Daily amounts of light are mandatory for peak performance, rehabilitation, mental training and accelerated learning. Synchrony is that state of balanced brain that opens the door to the “zone” or best thinking ability in the brain. This state is without distraction and totally focused. Binaural Beats Binaural beats involve two separate tones which in turn provide a third tone. In other words, the frequency of the beat produced by two separate tones equals the frequency of the difference between the two tones. Therefore a beat frequency of 100Hz and one of 104Hz produces an overtone of 4Hz. Robert Monroe found that when precisely controlled tones are combined in the brain, the olivary nucleus resonates sympathetically like a crystal goblet vibrating a pure tone. As the olivary nucleus becomes entrained, it sends signals into the cerebral cortex which produce noticeable changes.

The beneficial effects of light and sound have been clinically tested and verified for over 50 years. Light and sound neurotherapy (LSN) is one of many cutting-edge treatment therapies that Behavioural Health uses with significant positive impact. It’s a safe and completely drug-free approach, most commonly used in the treatment of trauma, and involves a combination of light and sound to produce a favourable response from the brain. Numerous studies have also revealed the effectiveness of light sound neurotherapy in the treatment of depression disorders.

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